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Welcome to The Frequently Asked Questions About The 90-Day Jumpstart course.


Below are the answers to the most Frequently Asked Questions about the 90-Day Jumpstart and Becoming the Woman God Wants Me To Be.

Q:  Am I supposed to buy every item Donna mentions in the entire book?

A:  Not at all. The book is more than 350 pages in length!  I'm not sure anyone could afford to buy every item mentioned, even if they wanted to.  It is intended as a comprehensive reference guide.  Only buy resources you have immediate plans to use and which seem applicable to your lifestyle and that you can afford to obtain.

Q: What if I can't immediately overhaul every area of my life that is mentioned in the book?

A:  Well, then, you are perfectly normal!  The book is intended as a resource manual you can return to over and over again throughout your lifetime.  Take what you need and leave the rest for a later time.  If something mentioned on one page doesn't apply to you, that's okay!  For sure, there will be plenty of great stuff for you on one of the other 349 pages!  An idea that doesn't appeal to you might be just the answer one of your sisters is looking for.  It's all good and we are all in this together!



