Q: How do I access my course materials? I keep seeing a Stop Sign or I'm asked to re-enroll.
A: You need to LOG IN FIRST. You cannot access your course materials without logging in FIRST. (Don't feel bad. You are not alone! You'd be amazed how many emails we receive about this.) Log-in here.
Q: I didn't receive an email with my username and password.
A: 99% of the time, it is because you have previously enrolled in a WEU program. If you have ever enrolled, even once, then you already have a username and password. The automated system will not send you an email with this information because it assumes you already have that info on hand. But what if you don't....which brings us to the next question.
Q: I cannot remember my username.
A: Your username is almost always the email you used to purchase the class. It may not be the one you use most often. It might even be your spouse's email address. Whatever email you used to purchase the class is almost always your username.
Q: I Forgot/Didn't Receive My Password
A: Click the Log-in tab.
Click "Lost your password?"
You'll receive an email to reset your password. If you don't receive it right away, check your spam box.
Q. When I click the link in the email you just sent, it doesn't take me to the right page of the Membership Site or I encounter a Stop Sign or am asked to Re-enroll.
A. You need to be logged in first. Log in. Then click the link.
Q. I have other issues related to classes I purchased or my membership.
A. Please complete this form:
Q: If Donna is really a Christian, why doesn't she offer everything for free?
A: Everyone has bills to pay and Christians in ministry are no exception. Every ministry is funded somehow. Most ministries ask for donations. However some, like the Apostle Paul are tentmakers, which means they pay their own way to the mission field. That is what God has directed Donna to do. Donna's international ministry is primarily supported, not through donations, but through registration in her online programs.